1. Fostering Effective Relationships

Artifact 1: The Important Book is a collection of heartfelt messages from my students that showcases the positive and productive relationships I foster with them. Each page is filled out by a student, explaining why I am important to them. For example, students describe how I'm helpful in math, encouraging and supportive, with some students even expressing gratitude for my presence in their classroom saying things like "you are so fun" and "you are so nice." These messages reflect how I consistently act with fairness, respect and integrity, ensuring that each student feels valued and seen in the classroom. The warmth of these messages demonstrates genuine care and empathy for my students, I'll also highlighting how I work to create a safe and inclusive learning environment. By maintaining a positive, nurturing presence, I show students that every student can learn and be successful in a space where they are encouraged and supported.

Artifact 2: Students working together to code
This photo of my students listening to instructions on how to code with blocks. This Represents my efforts to collaborate with external experts, and integrate diverse range of resources to support student learning. Having professionals come into the classroom promote meaningful learning opportunities and demonstrates engagement with the community. This aligns with a TQS indicator of collaborating with community service professionals, enhancing my students understanding of various fields, and providing opportunities for them to deep in both personal and professional connections.
2. Engaging in Career-Long Learning

Artifact 1:
The Assessment Glossary infographic demonstrate my commitment to engaging in career, long professional learning by developing a deeper understanding of various assessment, practises and their applications. The infographic outlines key concepts, such as assessment for learning, assessment of learning, cognitive assessment, accommodated assessment through individualized program plans (IPPs), performance assessment, and modify testing. By actively seeking and synthesizing this information, I build my professional and personal capacities to better support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environments. The infographic also highlights my ability to critically review and apply educational research to improve practice, ensuring that my assessment strategies are aligned with student needs and the best pedagogical approaches. This process of creating and referencing the info graphic also reinforces my awareness of emerging practises in education, and ensuring that I remain adaptable, and informed as an educator.
The Assessment Glossary infographic demonstrate my commitment to engaging in career, long professional learning by developing a deeper understanding of various assessment, practises and their applications. The infographic outlines key concepts, such as assessment for learning, assessment of learning, cognitive assessment, accommodated assessment through individualized program plans (IPPs), performance assessment, and modify testing. By actively seeking and synthesizing this information, I build my professional and personal capacities to better support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning environments. The infographic also highlights my ability to critically review and apply educational research to improve practice, ensuring that my assessment strategies are aligned with student needs and the best pedagogical approaches. This process of creating and referencing the info graphic also reinforces my awareness of emerging practises in education, and ensuring that I remain adaptable, and informed as an educator.
Artifact: 2
The Digital Citizenship illustrates my engagement with my current educational trends, such as promoting safe and responsible technology use. By integrating digital literacy into my lessons, I reflect on how to better support student success in any in creasing Li digital world, aligning with the TQS of maintaining an awareness of emerging technologies to enhance knowledge.
3. Demonstrating a Professional Body of Knowledge
Traveling Across Canada Journal Presentation
Artifact 1: Traveling Across Canada Journal- Social Studies Travel to Meteghan lesson.
This PowerPoint demonstrates my ability to plan and design learning that address is learning outcomes from the provincial programs of study. The material or flex short, medium and long term planning, aligning with the TQS indicators of addressing learning outcomes and incorporating arrange of instructional strategies. By using multimedia tools, like PowerPoint, I create a dynamic learning experience that engage a student and fosters critical thinking.
This PowerPoint demonstrates my ability to plan and design learning that address is learning outcomes from the provincial programs of study. The material or flex short, medium and long term planning, aligning with the TQS indicators of addressing learning outcomes and incorporating arrange of instructional strategies. By using multimedia tools, like PowerPoint, I create a dynamic learning experience that engage a student and fosters critical thinking.

Artifact 2: Unit Plan for Traveling Across Canada Journal
The unit plan provides a structured approach to ensure all students continuously, develop literacy and numeracy through thematic and cross-curricular activities. Incorporates a variety of instructional strategies to meet the diverse learning needs of my students and provide them with opportunities to ensure in collaborative learning. The unit plan aligns with a TQS by demonstrating how I design, engaging and relevant learning activity said build student capacity.
4. Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments

Front of Classroom
Artifacts: Classroom Setup Photos
The photos of the classroom set up reflect my commitment to establishing inclusive learning environment. Though this classroom is not mine, the arrangement of Materials and student or work reflects an emphasis on equality, respect, and caring for every student. Each corner of the classroom is designed to cater to different learning styles needs, ensuring that every student has access to resources that support their learning growth. This reflects the TQS indicators of using appropriate universal strategies to address students strengths, and incorporating students, personal and cultural strengths into teaching.

Phonics Learning Area

Student Work Board
5. Applying Foundational Knowledge about First Nations, Metis and Inuit

Sit Spot 1

Sit Spot 2
Artifact 1: Sit Spot Drawings
Since these students participating by drawing their something they see, highlight the effort to integrate Indigenous ways of knowing into my classroom. Find courage and students to observe and draw the same natural element overtime. I help them develop a deeper connection to the environment which aligns with a TQS indicators of supporting student achievement by engaging students in experiences that reflect Indigenous worldviews. This practice emphasizes respect for land and fosters a deeper understanding of indigenous perspective.

Moccasins by Carmen Miller
Artifact 2: Moccasins
These moccasins, being showcased in a in school art exhibition represents an opportunity for students to engage with Metis cultures through the traveling art exhibit by showcasing this artwork students gain an understanding of the contributions of First Nations, Metis and Inuit to Canadian culture. This artefact aligns with a TQS indicator of using resources that accurately reflect and demonstrate the are strengths and diversity of indigenous cultures.
6. Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies

Artifact 1: Teaching Philosophy Exploration
My teaching philosophy exploration reflects my understanding of professional practice of teaching and adhering to legal framework, such as the school act. By emphasizing fairness and respect in my teaching practice, I line with the TQS indicator of engaging and practices consistent with policies that ensure a safe supportive learning environment for all students.
Artifact 2: Teaching Philosophy Illustration
This graphic design visual captures my teaching philosophy that education is a greenhouse, where teachers nurture students growth. The metaphor, emphasizing responsibility and care, which is essential to the TQS indicator that requires teachers to act in accordance with Standards of conduct expected in the education profession.

Each of my artefacts represent a different dimension of my development as an educator while collectively emphasizing my commitment to fostering positive relationships, inclusivity, professional growth, and student success. The Important Book and the classroom photo reflect my ability to build meaningful relationships with students and foster an inclusive environment.
My commitment to professional growth and digital literacy and showcase through The Assessment Glossary Infographic and the Digital Citizenship lesson. These artefacts reflect my dedication to Kyra, long learning and building a professional body of knowledge. They also highlight my efforts to integrate emerging technologies into my teaching practice, promoting not only digital literacy, but also critical 21st-century skills. These experiences bridge, my academic understanding of pedagogy with real world applications, equipped in students to thrive in a digital age.
The Monthly Sit Spot Picture and Moccasin Photo represent my efforts to apply foundational knowledge about First Nation, Métis and Inuit Cultures. These artefacts demonstrate my respect for indigenous perspective, and my commitment to providing students with meaningful experiences that connect to Alberta’s cricket Lamb, while incorporating indigenous ways of knowing. By doing so I am to create culturally, relevant and critically, engaging learning opportunities.
My Teaching Philosophy Paper waves these practices together, emphasizing my belief in nurturing students, holistically and adhering to legal frameworks and ethical standards. By understanding these frameworks as the foundation of my teaching approach, I can unite all other aspects of my professional practice. Collectively, my artifacts, reflect and interconnected and purposeful teaching practice by balancing relationships, inclusion, professionalism and cultural responsiveness. These elements form the foundation of a holistic teaching framework that guides me as an emerging, professional.
In reflecting on my artifacts, I have identified areas for growth and ways to address them. For example, while I have integrated technology into my teaching, I notice gaps in my ability to confidently adapt to new tools and ensure equitable access for all students. To address this, I plan to engage in professional development opportunities such as educational, technology, workshops, and collaborate with colleagues who are more proficient in this area. Additionally, while I have implemented inclusive practices, I recognize the need to strengthen my support for students with Individualized Program Plans (IPPs). Oh, this includes developing targeted strategies and emphasizing my ability to differentiate instruction effectively.
While my indigenous focus artefacts reflect progression, I am to expand and explore my understanding of his nation, meetings, and Inuit knowledge by connecting with resources, such as elders, knowledge, keepers, and/or cultural advisors. Is with deep in the cultural reverence of my lessons. When reflecting with my peers, I needed to aim better so I thought I would align with the Teaching Quality Standard (TQS) language and highlight each artefact well, considering and integrating my own professional growth goals, so I could emphasize continuous learning and collaboration, both in a meaningful way and a professional way. With this reflection, on my artifacts, I’ve gained a clear understanding of how my experience and my knowledge in for my personal and professional practice. I plan to continue using feedback and self-reflection to grow as an educator.