What does selfcare mean to me?
Timmy self-care and bodies, indulging in activities that generally bring me joy and fulfilment. It's about granting myself mental rest bite allow my mind to unwind and rejuvenate. Ultimately, it's about experiencing a sense of positivity and increase happiness, after engaging in activities that nourish my soul, and bring me genuine happiness.
What steps can I implement to achieve my self-care objectives?

- dedicate 20 minutes daily to indulge in my passion for drawing primarily on the procreate app. This creative outlet allows me to unwind and express myself, ensuring I prioritize self-care.
How can I effectively manage and alleviate stress in my life?
- seek support from my father, fiancé, sister and peers
- find solace in bouldering sessions
- Quality time with my fiancé
- Keeping social media to a minimum
How can I effectively uphold my physical well-being?
- Make sure to kick start each morning by walking my dogs at 6:30 AM, ensuring begin on a positive note with physical activity.
- making sure to prioritize regular bouldering sessions at least twice a week at the Calgary climbing centre with my fiancé (be able to boulder a C5 by April 13th).
What strategies will I employ to ensure self-care during my practicum?
- to maintain balance during my full-time job and practicum, I adhere to a strict sleep schedule, ensuring I get the correct amount of rest by going to bed at 10 PM and waking up at 6 AM. This routine helps me stay energized and focus throughout the day.
What insight have a gain from dedicating time to daily to self-nurturance?
- consistent meal prep and planning on Sundays have become a corner stone of my self-care routine. Having morning smoothies, ready and having programmable coffee machine.
-having a packed lunch prepared the night before, packed and ready to go for the next day will help keep mornings, simple and calm, and having extra snacks in my car just in case I get hungry driving.
How can I cultivate routines at Foster positive physical and emotional wellness?
- hey, despite my busy schedule, I prioritize sticking to my routine to prevent exhaustion and burn out. Additionally, I recognize the importance of seeking support when needed to maintain a balanced mindset through this journey.

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